Basque Country | Santurtzi Bilbao Harbor / Port de Bilbao
Santurtzi / Euskadi. The city has almost 50,000 inhabitants, in its territory is concentrated a large part of the Port
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Santurtzi / Euskadi. The city has almost 50,000 inhabitants, in its territory is concentrated a large part of the Port
Read MoreBilbao / Euskadi. The Bilbao metro is a real little train serving the Basques of the city and the surrounding
Read MoreGetxo / Euskadi. Like the Three Wise Men in Galilee, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar followed the Shepherd’s Star through the
Read MoreEa / Euskadi. Bere hondartza bikainak eta itsasoaren ikuspegi zoragarriek Ea leku ezin hobea bihurtzen dute lasai paseatzeko eta familian
Read MoreGernika / Euskadi. Gernika herri martiria da. Gernikako bonbardaketa 1937ko apirilaren 26an gertatu zen. Lattaque 17:30ean hasiko da metrailadorean, bonba
Read MoreBerriz / Euskadi. Euskal Herriaren bihotzean kokatua, Berriz herri ttipi bat da, deskubritu behar dena. Bere paisaia berdeekin, marko idiliko
Read MoreBilbao / Euskadi. Euskal Herrian kokatua, tradizioa eta modernitatea uztartzen dituen hiri dinamikoa da Bilbo. 14. mendean sortua, lehenik eta
Read MoreGetxo / Euskadi. Euskal kostaldean kokatuta, Getxo Bizkaiko hiri xarmangarria da Euskadin. Hondartza bitxi eta giro lasaiagatik ezaguna, Getxok bisitariak
Read MoreAia / Euskadi. Muino berdeen artean eta kostaldetik hurbil kokatua, Aia Euskal Herriko herri xarmanta da, bisita bat merezi duena.
Read MoreHendaye / Euskadi. Legatza, uztaila Hendaian. Udatiarrak hemen daude. Olatu txikiak ere hondartza handian. Frantziako hego-mendebaldean dago, Espainiako mugan, eta
Read MoreSaint-Jean-de-Luz / Euskadi. Located on the French Basque coast, Saint-Jean-de-Luz enchants visitors with its picturesque charm and authentic ambiance. Nestled
Read MoreBilbao / Euskadi. The Artxanda funicular, located in Bilbao, in the heart of the Basque Country, is much more than
Read MoreSaint-Jean-Pied-de-Port / Euskadi. Located in the heart of the French Basque Country, Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port offers a captivating blend of culture, history
Read MoreElantxobe / Euskadi. The village of Elantxobe is located on the coast of the historic territory of Biscay, on the
Read MoreDonostia-San Sebastián / Euskadi. In the heart of the Basque Country, lies the enchanting city of Donostia-San Sebastian. Known for
Read MorePlentzia / Euskadi. Located in the heart of the Basque Country, Plentzia is a charming coastal town that combines history,
Read MoreAltzola / Euskadi. The spa was very successful in the 19th century and welcomed a large number of people coming
Read MoreAzkoitia / Euskadi. Located in the heart of the Basque Country, Azkoitia offers an intoxicating blend of tradition and modernity.
Read MoreAmurrio / Euskadi. The Basque Festival in Amurrio in Euskadi, with the giants and children of the town of the
Read MoreLarreineta / Euskadi. The Larreineta Funicular has been an integral part of the Basque landscape since its inauguration in 1926.
Read MoreAzpeitia / Euskadi. Nestled in the heart of the Basque Country, Azpeitia boasts a hidden gem for train enthusiasts and
Read MoreZumaia / Basque Country. Nestled along the rugged coastline of the Basque Country in northern Spain, Zumaia is a charming
Read MoreMonte Oiz / Basque Country. Rising to an impressive height of approximately 1,026 meters (3,366 feet), Mont Oiz offers an
Read MoreCanfranc Estación / Aragón. The transformation of the Canfranc railway station in Spain into a luxury hotel is a fascinating
Read MoreEspelette / Basque Country. The Espelette pepper is a variety of Capsicum annuum that is cultivated in the Basque Country
Read MoreAscain / Basque Country. Ascain is a peaceful village on the banks of the River Nivelle. The centre of the
Read MoreBera / Pais Vasco. Bera en el País Vasco se encuentra en el valle del Bidasoa que atraviesa el pueblo
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