Brittany | Quiberon Cantiere 2 / Harbour
Saint-Pierre Quiberon / Brittany – France / Cantiere 2 / Harbour will see Roberto Coda Zabetta move his studio in Bretagne to realise the massive public artwork on Portivy’s pier. This project is founded on the reciprocal relationship between painting, architecture, the natural environment and the landscape.
Cantiere 2 / Harbour vedrà Roberto Coda Zabetta trasferire il suo studio in Bretagna per lavorare alla realizzazione di un grande opera pubblica sul molo di Portivy, progetto alla cui base vi è un rapporto di reciproca implicazione tra pittura, architettura, ambiente naturale e paesaggio.
Report HD – TV Quiberon 24/7 – May 30, 2018

Jutting out into the sea for 9 miles (14km) and just 72ft (22m) wide at its narrowest point, the Quiberon Peninsula is a tourist destination par excellence. With its rugged coastline, sweeping sandy beaches, fishing villages and rich cultural history, this beautiful area of Morbihan won’t disappoint.
On the western side, the 5 mile (8km)-long Côte Sauvage (wild coast) is the perfect place for getting back to nature via a bracing walk. On the way you’ll pass hidden caves, arches and coves – but swimming is strictly forbidden due to the rough sea. The area is rich in flora and fauna, with a mix of dunes and heathland. As well as spectacular views over the coast and Belle-Île, Brittany’s largest island, you’ll encounter the remains of a Roman fish farm and a Bronze Age fort plus plenty of swooping seabirds.
Quiberon’s beaches have something to interest all tastes. The windy, sandy expanses west of Penthièvre in the north are popular with horse-riders, sand-yachters and surfers whereas families favour the sheltered beaches around Saint-Pierre-Quiberon in the south. Wherever you are, you won’t be far from someone who can teach you a watersport or hire you some equipment.
Brittany TV World– Brittany TV World, webtv Brittany – France / HD 4K / Television online
Quiberon TV World– Quiberon peninsula web TV / Brittany – France / HD 4K