Basque Country | Armintza Fishing Port
Armintza / Basque Country. The port of Armintza has gone from being a fishing port to house mostly pleasure boats, although it maintains its charm intact.
Armintza, a small fishing village in the municipality of Lemoiz which has a lot of charm and some very peculiar waves. Small and ancient port located in the inlet of the same name. Difficult and dangerous to enter because of the many rocks and rocky shallows that flank the entrance channel, both on the nose of the dyke and to the west. Currently, fishing remains practically a marginal activity; Arminza having been promoted as a residential and recreational town.
Armintza, it’s one of the beaches in Lemoiz, located in the province of Vizcaya (País Vasco). On big days when there is a very heavy sea, a wave is formed at the beginning of the dock and breaks parallel to it. It is a soft right-hander ideal for children. The 250 metre-long beach of dark thick-grain frequently welcomes scuba diving and fishing lovers.
Armintza, Lemoizko herriarena dena, arrantza portu txiki zahar bat da, itsasotik itsasoratzen dena, oraindik arriskutsua dena, sarrerako zakurtegiko hondoko harkaitzengatik. Portu hau, beste asko bezala, aisialdirako portu bihurtu da gehienbat. Baina bere xarma gordetzen jakin du. Portuaren ondoan, taberna eta jatetxe ugari aurki daitezke, arraina txingarretan dastatzeko. Olatuak badira, surfa eta bodyboarda praktikatzeko spot bikaina
La tranquila localidad de Armintza, en el municipio de Lemoiz, cuenta con un pintoresco y pequeño puerto. Para las embarcaciones la entrada al puerto es un tanto difícil debido a la abundancia de piedras y bajos rocosos que se hallan en el canal de entrada. Tal y como ha sucedido en muchos otros casos, el puerto de Armintza ha pasado de ser puerto pesquero a albergar mayoritariamente embarcaciones de recreo, aunque mantiene intacto su encanto.
Report HD ©Euskadi 24 TV – August 22, 2022