Quiberon | Sea, Surf, Bodyboard and Sun
Saint-Pierre Quiberon / Brittany – France / Port-Bara is located in Saint Pierre Quiberon. All the surf spots were good at various times. The wild coast is the perfect place for getting back to nature via a bracing walk. On the way you’ll pass hidden caves, arches and coves – but swimming is strictly forbidden due to the rough sea. The area is rich in flora and fauna, with a mix of dunes and heathland. As well as spectacular views over the coast and Belle-Île, Brittany’s largest island, you’ll encounter the remains of a Roman fish farm and a Bronze Age fort plus plenty of swooping seabirds.
Report HD – TV Quiberon 24/7 – June 6, 2016
All year long, Quiberon is a lively resort with its shops, its thalassotherapy and its beaches… A varied entertainment program is available throughout the seasons. For nature lovers, Quiberon is the place to be, with its open skies, sheltered beaches, wide horizons and endless. Quiberon is bathed in a beautiful light with tints of grey-mauve or blue-green (Breton has only one word “glaz” for blue and green). The famous breton word « glaz » has the power to unite the colors of changing lights, the sky and the sea. In spring, the palette of lights and colors is breathtaking… The prickly gorse opens in a palette of yellows. Heathers flowering on the green grass of the heathlands surround the tower of Locmaria while plovers, wheatears, gull chicks and their parents wheel and call. The beaches come alive with the laughter of the season’s first bathers and the spring tides reveals plenty to fill the beach gatherer’s buckets. Quiberon Bay is a paradise for sailors and sea lovers, the skyline is filled with sails and boarders enjoy the shoreline waves.
Die Halbinsel bietet Ihnen eine Vielfalt von Landschaftseindrücken, Atmosphären und Farben. Bewundern Sie die verschiedenen Nuancen der Ozeans: ein klares, transparentes Hellblau unter der warmen Sommersonne, das Smaragdgrün der Küste an sonnigen Wintertagen und dazwischen alle Schattierungen von Blau und Grün, das sogennante « glaz », die sich je nach der Farbe des Himmels ständig verändern. Die Strände werden Sie bezaubern mit ihrem feinen, fast weißen Sand, die Dünen mit ihrem zarten Grün und ihren Palisaden, den naturgrauen, von Wind und Wetter polierten Holzzäunen. Die Granitfelsen zeigen manchmal weiße Adern und sind mit winzigen, glänzenden Glimmern übersät. Bei Sonnenuntergang nehmen die Felsenklippen nach und nach immer wieder neue Farben an, von strahlendem, satten Orange bis hin zu sanften Violettönen. Auf der Heide und dem Grasland an der Küste entlang entfaltet sich im Lauf der Jahreszeiten ein Fest der Farben: ein zarter rosa Teppich aus Strand-Grasnelken, das warme Gelb der Ginsterbüsche und des Stechginsters und im Herbst das Violet des Heidekrauts.
Jutting out into the sea for 9 miles (14km) and just 72ft (22m) wide at its narrowest point, the Quiberon Peninsula is a tourist destination par excellence. With its rugged coastline, sweeping sandy beaches, fishing villages and rich cultural history, this beautiful area of Morbihan won’t disappoint.
On the western side, the 5 mile (8km)-long Côte Sauvage (wild coast) is the perfect place for getting back to nature via a bracing walk. On the way you’ll pass hidden caves, arches and coves – but swimming is strictly forbidden due to the rough sea. The area is rich in flora and fauna, with a mix of dunes and heathland. As well as spectacular views over the coast and Belle-Île, Brittany’s largest island, you’ll encounter the remains of a Roman fish farm and a Bronze Age fort plus plenty of swooping seabirds.
Quiberon’s beaches have something to interest all tastes. The windy, sandy expanses west of Penthièvre in the north are popular with horse-riders, sand-yachters and surfers whereas families favour the sheltered beaches around Saint-Pierre-Quiberon in the south. Wherever you are, you won’t be far from someone who can teach you a watersport or hire you some equipment.