Gibraltar | The first hydrogen vessel
Gibraltar / United Kingdom / Energy Observer is the first vessel in the world able to produce its own hydrogen on board, from sea water, without greenhouse gas emissions. It is a real experimental platform which will carry out an unprecedented world tour using energies of the future, in order to test these technologies in extreme environments, and thus enable their implementation throughout the entire planet.
Energy Observer is an odyssey around the world on the search for innovative solutions for the environment. 6 years, 50 countries, and 101 stopovers, to go and meet people who are designing tomorrow’s future, and to prove that a cleaner world is possible. As a vessel of the future made in France, Energy Observer’s goal is to inspire businesses, communities, states, and citizens by proving that a cleaner future is possible through technological innovations. Ultimate clean energy and energy of the future, hydrogen is at the heart of the Energy Observer project.
For the first time, we will be able to produce it aboard the ship from the electrolysis of sea water, thanks to energy coupling. More than a vessel, Energy Observer will be the laboratory of this new energy model. While the goal of most of history’s great expeditions was to conquer territories and amass wealth, Energy Observer is about to start a new kind of expedition: an expedition to further discover mankind and exchange knowledge.
This odyssey will connect solutions to problems, promote rather than denounce, encourage rather than blame. The adventure, a real Calypso of the future, will be shared in real time through innovative and exclusive content portraying and showcasing: the daily lives of the crew, the technological prowess of the vessel, the ports of call, but also innovations in relation to mankind’s life on earth and the need to preserve it.
Report HD ©Energy Observer – November 2017 –

Gilbraltar webTV – Gibraltar web TV – United Kingdom