Basque Country | Arcangues a cool village
Arcangues / Basque Country. This pretty village can be described as the “ideal Basque village”. It is laid out around the church, fronton wall and town hall, as is often the case in the Basque Country.
Arcangues is a neighbouring village of two seaside towns, Biarritz and Anglet. Arcangues is encircled by an 80-hectare golf course. Beyond, can be found the village dwellings, as there is only one inhabitant in the village centre the village priest. Saint Jean Baptiste Church is typical of the Basque Country and its carved wood galleries, which date from the beginning of the 18th century, are among the most beautiful in the region. The bell tower, listed as a Historical Monument since 1925, stands majestically over the village.
During the 1950s, Luis Mariano was the headlining star of operettas, which were very much in vogue at that time. His tomb is regularly covered with flowers left by his fans and the “children of his fans”.
Arcangues herri ederra elizaren, frontoiaren eta herriko etxearen inguruan antolatua da, Euskal Herrian maiz bezala. 80 hektareako golf zelai bateko gerrikoa du. Harantzago, herriko etxeak daude. Luis Mariano abeslariaren hilobia jarraitzaileek loratzen jarraitzen dute. Luis Mariano Frantzian bizi zen familia espainiar batekoa da, Gerra Zibilean babestua. Bere azentu xarmantari eutsiko dio bizitza osoan, eta horrek zurbildu egin ditu andereño maiteminduen belaunaldiak. 50eko hamarkadan, Luis Mariano garai hartan oso modan zeuden opereten izar baldintzarik gabea izan zen. Etxalde bat erosi zuen herria bere arrastoaz markatu zuen, eta bere egunak «Gentleman Farmer ezagutuz» bukatu zituen.
Report HD ©Euskadi 24 TV – May 20, 2022